Final Project

Business Analysis

ITEC-630  Fall 2009

Prof. J. Alberto Espinosa


Last updated 8/19/09

To be done in small teams of 3-4 members


[Scenario] [Delivery] [Grading] [Application] [Deliverables] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Final]


Scenario and Background

This assignment is intended to give you a valuable hands-on experience with a skill that you may actually use in practice. The exercise is not perfect, but neither is any requirements gathering project in real life. Your instructor will greatly appreciate any feedback and comments you may have at any point during this project. Your team will work on a consulting assignment to: (1) gather business requirements for a system implementation; (2) prepare the respective formal requirements and design specification document for this client; and (3) develop the corresponding database design.


Specification Template

Your requirements and design specification MUST be be prepared following a Requirements and Deisgn Specification Teamplate adapted by the instructor for your projects. You are not strictly required to follow this template, but you should consult with your instructor if you want to use a different template. This adapted template contains the specific sections that your instructor expects to find in your Final Project document, along with all the requirements forms that you may need, along with basic instructions and diagram examples.

This template is a reduced and adapted version of the Volere Requirements Specifications Template, which is one of several popular templates used for requirements specifications.

IMPORTANT: You will notice in the template that most large diagrams and artifacts (use cases, etc.) go in appendices. This format is very useful for your clients because they can quickly detach all diagrams for discussion in meetings. Furthermore, moving all diagrams and figures to appendices will make your text descriptions flow better. Please follow this advice: every figure included anywhere in the document needs a brief reference and explanation in the text; and every appendix include in the document needs a reference and brief summary of the appendix contents in the main text. Orphan diagrams and appendices without reference or explanations in the main text are a very BAD idea and consultants will complain about this.


Use Cases

A central piece of your requirements specification will be the "use cases" you will prepare for your application. Use cases contain text in special forms that describe important aspects of the systems' funcional requirements and part of the "unified modeling language" or UML which is the most widely adopted standard to describe systems. Your requirements specification should contain 10 to 12 use cases.

Database Design

Your database design should include 10 to 12 database tables, an "entity-relationship diagram" or ERD, a relational design and implementation in MS Access, and sample queries.


Delivery Method

Important Files to Maintain and Submit

Throughout the project, you will need to maintain at least 3 files (it is important that you use these EXACT file names when you submit deliverables on your web sites -- more on this later). Only one student in each team is required to post these files (but students can rotate who hosts the files any time):

  1. Project.doc: this file will start with the empty template described above and you will complete, refine and submit the corresponding sections according to the deliverable schedule posted on the Class Schedule web page. This document will contain all your requirements specifications, diagrams, artifacts and other narratives.

  2. Project.vsd: this file will contain your MS Visio data model. This file is not really a requirement for the course (you will copy and paste your diagrams to Project.doc) but you will be using MS Visio to create your data model and this source file is very useful when you need help from your instructor.

  3. Project.mdb: this file will contain the MS Access database that you will develop for your client. These files need to be maintained in one of your teammates' web site (the web master).

All deliverables will be made electronically, as explained here.  All deliverables and final project should be delivered in a SINGLE Microsoft Word file called Project.doc (exactly, no blank spaces), a SINGLE database file called Project.mdb and a single MS Visio file called Project.vsd. Each team needs to have a Web Master, selected at the beginning of the semester.  These files will be delivered by uploading this document into the Web Master's WWW folder in his/her G drive.  Ideally, all team members should have their own copy of this document in their own WWW folders (as a backup and for individual reference).  Therefore, if anything goes wrong with the Web Master's site (it happens), team members can send me an e-mail to let me know where to find it.

Each deliverable and the final project are due at the beginning of class when due, per the Class Schedule (we may open these files and discuss them in class).  Late deliveries, and incomplete or inadequate deliverables will carry a substantial penalty towards 20% of your team's final project grade.

[Top] [Schedule]


Final Project Grading

(10 pts) Clear description of requirements, good writing style, no grammatical errors/typos.

(10 pts) Content quality of the Project.doc document and consistency across documents

(20 pts) Adequate and timely progress on deliverables

(20 pts) Content quality of the functional requirments

        Vision, funtional requirements, including use cases, context diagram,

        use case diagram, actor specificatios cards, requirements shell cards,

        non-functional requirements

(20 pts) Content quality of the final database implementation

        CRUD matrix well developed, ERD well formulated,

        Tables properly implemented (attributes, primary keys, etc.),

        Relational design well implemented (foreign keys, update/delete/business rules, etc.),

        Lookup pick lists properly implemented, data properly entered,

        SQL queries properly implemented, etc.

(20 pts) Good relationship and communication with client and effective final presentation  

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The Business Application for the Project

Your instructor will share with you a number of business applications concepts he has discussed with various clients. You will need to form teams early in the semester. Your instructor will assign a project to your team trying to follow your preferences as much as possible. Teams can also propose their own project concepts if they wish, but all projects must have external clients who are not members of the student team.

[Top] [Schedule]


Deliverables and Timeline

As with most system development assignments, there are project deadlines and deliverables.  The process you use to carry out this project is as important as the final delivery of the project. In fact, research has found that bad system development processes lead to bad project implementations.

Your final project will be graded upon completion at the end of the semester.  However, the requirements and database development processes you will use in this project will be completed in progressive iterations. You will need to submit deliverables that show your progress on the project.  The instructor will evaluate your progress and how well you are complying with the deliverables outlined below.  Timely and adequate completion of deliverables accounts for 20% of your team's project grade.  IMPORTANT: teams some times fall behind for good reasons. Your instructor will provide you with reasonable flexibility on deadlines, provided that you discuss your reasons and needs BEFORE the deadlines (like you would with your clients in any real project). The timeline for the following deliverables is outlined in the Class Schedule. The specific deliverables are:

Top] [Schedule]


Project Deliverable 1: Inception & The System Concept

Project Deliverable 2: More Inception, System Scope and Context

This is an example of a business process model using a Cross Functional Flowchart (I recommend this template). I have posted a real business process model provided by Deloitte Consulting using Cross Functional Flowcharts on Blackboard.

Project Deliverable 3: Elaboration & Base Use Cases

Project Deliverable 4: Further Elaboration & Re-factoring, Extended and Included Use Cases

Project Deliverable 5 -- Elaboration: Iteration E3 -- Data Objects and Database Conceptual Description

Project Deliverable 6 -- Elaboration: Iteration E4 -- ERD and Relational Database Design

Final Project Deliverable: Wrap-Up
