Syllabus Addendum

Course Policies for

The Edge of Information Technology

ITEC 200 - Spring 2012

Professor: J. Alberto Espinosa


Last updated on 1/9/2012

Makeup | Individual Work | Team Work | Lateness | Attendance
Busineslike Behavior | Re-grade | Back to Syllabus


This page describes important policies that will be enforced in this course. The main objective of these policies is not to establish rigid rules, but to outline responsibilities and expectations about both, students and your professors.                                                                                                         

Exam Makeup Policy

There are no make exams in this course, except for students who have justified and documented reasons to miss the exam when and if approved IN ADVANCE by the instructor.  The instructor will make a judgment as to whether the justification and documentation are valid.  When and if approved, these exceptions will be granted as follows:

  1. Students who provide DOCUMENTED evidence PRIOR TO THE EXAM justifying the reason why they have to miss the exam, may be allowed to take a makeup exam before graded exams are returned.  This option will expire once graded exams have been returned to students.

  2. Students who provide a justified and documented reason AFTER the exam took place for why they missed the exam an exam, but within a short and reasonable time after the exam, will NOT be allowed to take a makeup exam, but will he given the option to take a comprehensive final exam.  This comprehensive exam will take place during the finals period and will cover all materials covered in the course, including the materials covered after the regular exam.


Individual Work

All individual assigments must be completed individually and each student must turn in his/her own work. Students are not allowed to help or receive help from others in individual assignments. Any work that is copied from others, all or in part, will receive a grade of 0 in the respective assignment and referred to the dean's office, as required by American University's Academic Integrity Code


Team Work

All team assigments must be completed with your team members. Each team member is expected to contribute their fair share to the team. The team will received a grade for each team assignment, but the corresponding individual grades will be adjusted upwards or downwards depending on each team members' contribution to the team assignment. Individual contributions will be assessed from a peer evaluation that will be conducted at the end of the semester. Any problems with team members need to be brought to the attention of your professor. Lack of contribution by some team members will not be a valid reason to adjust team grades, unless this has been discussed in advance with your instructor. The purpose of team assignments is to learn how to work in teams. Most of today's organizational work is done in teams and recruiters are often looking for teamwork skills. Therefore, it is everyone's responsibility in the team to ensure that the team is functioning effectively.


Lateness on Assignments

Unless otherwise specified by the instructor, assignments must be turned in at the beginning of class on their respective due date.  The penalty for late submissions is a 10 point deduction for each day (weekday or weekend day) that the assignment is late.  This policy will be strictly enforced!  When assignments are required to be turned in electronically (by posting your web sites, e-mail or Blackboard's Digital Dropbox), technical difficulties while posting your work will not be accepted as valid excuse for lateness, unless your instructor has agreed otherwise in advance. All web posting problems must be resolved before the due date, or at least discussed with your professor.


Attendance and Participation

Attendance is mandatory in this class. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class session and after each break. Experience and the statistics for this course show that many academic problems observed with students can be attributed to low attendance. Historically, students with high attendance do substantially better in the course than those with low attendance. Attendance will be more heavily weighted in special class sessions involving guest speakers, case discussions, and other similar events. Similarly, attendance to lab sessions will be monitored more strictly since there will be important work you need to complete during the lab session, which will be graded. Your attendance grade will be based on the percentage of class and lab sessions attended, but this grade will be adjusted upwards or downwards depending on your participation. Additional points will be awarded to students for quality participation during class, particularly during discussions (e.g., case) or presentations by invited speakers. On the other hand, points will be subtracted from the attendance grade non-businesslike behavior.  Students who arrive late without prior authorization from the instructor will receive partial or no attendance credit, depending on how late they arrived. Students who leave class early without prior authorization from the instructor will receive no attendance credit for that day. Frequent unauthorized late arrivals or early departures will be penalized with negative participation points for non-businesslike behavior.

Click here for more detailed explanation of this course's attendance and participation policy.
Click here to see examples of how to earn participation points.
Click here to see examples of non-businesslike behavior that carry negative points.
Click here to see special rules for lab sessions.



Like all other courses you take at Kogod, this course is aimed at helping you prepare for your business careers. As such, it is important that all students exhibit a businesslike behavior in all coursework activities.  Any behavior that would be considered unacceptable at a business meeting or in business environment is also considered unacceptable in this class.  Non-businesslike behavior carries substantial penalties on the participation grade. Non-businesslike behavior that are considered unacceptable include, but are not limited to: coming late to class without prior consent from the instructor; leaving class early without prior consent from the instructor; leaving class temporarily in the middle of a lecture; laughing and chatting in class with peers; receiving cell phone calls or text messages during class; using chat software, e-mail or any other unrelated software during lab sessions; and making improper remarks or disrespectful comments to or about the instructor or peers.

Click here to see further examples of non-businesslike behavior.



Mathematical errors adding points and computing grades should be reported (and will be corrected) immediately.  For re-grades involving content, students can request the instructor to re-grade any assignment or exam.  However, the following rules will apply: (1) students can only request one re-grade per assignment or exam.  Therefore, students are encouraged to review all their work carefully before requesting a re-grade; (2) the grade after one re-grade will final; (3) the instructor reserves the right to re-grade the entire assignment or exam, not just the portions subject of the re-grade request.  If grading mistakes are found in other parts of the assignment, the student may gain or lose further points, depending on the mistake.
